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Alfred Spormann on CO₂ research: An interdisciplinary approach

We need to remove gigatons of CO₂ to prevent a further increase in temperature and thereby stabilize the climate and avoid catastrophic climate changes. And gigatons, that's a lot!

This immense challenge takes not one solution but a whole different, interdisciplinary approach. The challenge that the researchers at Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center are taking up is to integrate microbiology with chemistry to come up with solutions that can be scaled.

"We are here in an interdisciplinary team on a mission to solve this problem together. Our hope is that we can develop new science, a better understanding of CO₂ science and use this to develop technologies rapidly that can be scaled and used to capture CO₂ from the atmosphere," explains Alfred Spormann, Founding Director at CORC in this video: 

The video is produced by Aarhus University to showcase the many sustainable solutions researchers are working on at the university, read more here.