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Watch or rewatch the November version of CORC CO2 Research Talks now online!
Frauke Kracke: "Scaling durable carbon removal - examples from early deployments".
Together with Constructive Institute CORC has developed a new Climate Explorer program which aims at finding new ways for news media to tell the most important story of our time and set new standards for climate…
CORC's first workshop for young scientists includes insights on systems thinking, impactful graphic visualization, and improv-based science communication, leaving the researchers inspired for future interdisciplinary…
Five of the world’s most accomplished climate reporters from five continents will come together at Aarhus University in Denmark for five months to find new ways for news media to tell the most important story of our time…
How can we communicate about climate change and carbon technologies in a way that resonates with more people? The answer, according to a panel of experts at a recent seminar hosted by CORC and Novo Nordisk Foundation, is…
The Carbon Forum 2023 brought together experts and thought leaders to discuss strategies, technologies, and societal considerations on technology learning, carbon innovation and societal impact. Diverse perspectives were…
CORC's annual Carbon Forum will be held on 21st November in Copenhagen with the title "Accelerating Carbon Innovation Through Technology Learning". We are thrilled to announce our distinguished lineup of speakers from…
Professor and CORC principal investigator Kim Daasbjerg has received the first ever Else Kai Sass Award for his outstanding achievements in collaboration, innovation, and research communication.
Negative emissions, carbon capture, and net-zero fuels are central concepts in the quest to tackle the climate crisis. But what do these concepts mean, and what challenges do we face? Here is an overview brought in the…
Together with CONCITO and Brain2Business, CORC hosted a journey to the year 2040 at this year's Danish Democracy Festival, "Folkemødet". The destination of the journey was a future Denmark where the climate goals have…
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