Aarhus University Seal

Group Leader Proposals

The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center (CORC) is an international center of excellence in fundamental research for CO2 capture and conversion for storage and use. The center research is interdisciplinary and includes chemical and life sciences to develop new science and early technology platforms for mitigating greenhouse gas-induced climate change.

This call seeks to identify highly talented young scientists at the advanced postdoc or Assistant Professor level to conduct fundamental research that substantially complements ongoing research in CORC. Research should use chemical, biological, or a combination of both sciences to significantly advance CORC’s mission on mitigating greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) at scale. Research should be innovative and highly competitive, and explore new, potentially high-risk, high-reward ideas.


This program seeks to provide seed funds for starting careers of a young promising scientist. Candidates should have excellent academic credentials and track record of scientific productivity. Research will be conducted at Aarhus University or at any of the satellite institutions. 

Project funds

The total project funds are up to DKK 7,500,000 for a period of up to 4 years.

Proposal due

Currently no open calls.

Instructions for submission

Detailed instructions for application for the group leader proposals.

CORC grant budget template here.

For further information or questions on this call, please send us an email: grant@corc.au.dk