Aarhus University Seal

Carbon Forum 2023: Accelerating carbon innovation

The Carbon Forum 2023 brought together experts and thought leaders to discuss strategies, technologies, and societal considerations on technology learning, carbon innovation and societal impact. Diverse perspectives were shared, emphasizing the need for collaborative and innovative solutions to address the challenges ahead. Here is a recap of key insights from the event.

Photo: Anna Laybourn and Nynne Bjerre, Carbon Forum 2023
Photo: Graphic visualisation by Anna Laybourn, Brain2Business
Photo: Graphic visualisation by Anna Laybourn, Brain2Business
Photo: Graphic visualisation by Anna Laybourn, Brain2Business
Photo: Graphic visualisation by Anna Laybourn, Brain2Business

Carbon Forum is developed by Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center as a platform for discussions and perspectives on how to accelerate the green transition and develop innovative carbon technologies in sync with society. The forum is aimed at decision-makers and stakeholders across the carbon ecosystem within policy, industry, research, NGOs, industry organizations, media etc.

>> See presentations and photos and watch the full event 

Graphic facilitator, Anna Laybourn recorded the day through graphic visuaizations and offered the audience a distinctive opportunity to share their input and feedback by skillfully translating their thoughts into visual representations.